「手機快沒電了」、「電量只剩 10%」你會說嗎?一分鐘快速帶你補帖英文力!
在這個智慧型手機發達的科技時代,手機沒電可是件大事,讓人覺得恐慌啊!你知道該怎麼用英文說「手機快沒電了」、「電量只剩 10%」嗎?做完以下這個小題目,然後繼續看下去就可以找到答案囉。
A: Hey, Frank. Do you have a minute? I can't find the files I need on this hard drive, but I'm pretty sure I saved all of them here. Can you check what's going on for me?
B: Sure. Give me a sec. Geez, I'm afraid this hard drive is dead. __________________
A: What?! This can't be happening! It's a brand-new hard drive. I just bought it last week.
(A) Do you have an iPhone charger? I forgot to charge my phone last night.
(B) My phone battery is dying. It says the battery level is 10 percent.
(C) Can you help me with the files? There are piles of them on my desk.
(D) I hope you backed up all the files because I don't think I can recover them for you.
A: Hey, Frank. Do you have a minute?
I can't find the files I need on this hard drive, but I'm pretty sure I saved all of them here.
Can you check what's going on for me?
B: Sure. Give me a sec. Geez, I'm afraid this hard drive is dead.
I hope you backed up all the files because I don't think I can recover them for you.
A: What?! This can't be happening! It's a brand-new hard drive. I just bought it last week.
(A) Do you have an iPhone charger? I forgot to charge my phone last night.
這句話是「你有 iPhone 用的充電器嗎?我昨晚忘記充我手機的電。」
Charge 是動詞「為...充電」,那 charger 就是「充電器」囉。
空格前面的對話都是在講硬碟(hard drive),跟手機充電完全沒關係,所以這個選項只是個煙霧彈!
(B) My phone battery is dying. It says the battery level is 10 percent.
這句話是「我的手機電池快沒電了。上面顯示電池電量只有 10%。」
Battery 是「電池」,那 phone battery 就是特別指「手機的電池」。
「電池沒電」常會用 die「死」這個動詞,或者用形容詞 dead,例如 My phone battery died. 或 My phone battery is dead.
若要說「電池快沒電」,就可以用 die 的進行式 is dying(正在死),是不是很有畫面呢?
那 Battery level 字面上是「電池的程度」,也就是指「電池的電量」 囉。
這個選項跟 (A) 一樣是跟對話沒什麼關係的煙霧彈。
(C) Can you help me with the files? There are piles of them on my desk.
「Help + 人 + with + 事」就是「幫某人做某事」,注意介係詞 with 後面都會放「名詞」喔。
Pile 是名詞「堆」,所以 piles of something 字面上是「好幾堆的某事物」,也就是誇飾法表示有很多東西。
那空格前面是在講硬碟(hard drive)裡面的檔案,而不是桌子(desk)上的檔案,所以這個選項也不對。
(D) I hope you backed up all the files because I don't think I can recover them for you.
這邊要留意的是動詞 back up something「備份某事物」 ,那 backup 則可以當「備份檔案、備份的」。
Recover 則是動詞「重新找回、恢復、康復」的意思,也是個常見的用字,可以學起來喔!
- file(名詞)文件檔案
- hard drive(名詞)硬碟
- save(動詞)儲存
- afraid(形容詞)恐怕
- back up(動詞)備份
- recover(動詞)重新找回
- brand-new(形容詞)全新的
原文文章:『手機快沒電了』、『電量只剩 10%』英文怎麼說?手機 / 電腦族必學用語!
from 女人迷 Womany https://ift.tt/2TRCEy4